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Healthcare Centres and Pharmacies

Healthcare centres (heilsugæsla) provide all general healthcare services and treatment for minor injuries and ailments. The healthcare centres should be your first stop for treatment unless you need emergency health services. You need to register with your local healthcare centre in the neighbourhood of your legal domicile. Here you can find the healthcare centres nearest to you.

Healtcare centres - Booking an appointment

You can book an appointment to see a family doctor at your local healthcare centre either by phone or via Heilsuvera ​if an individual needs to see a doctor. If you need an interpreter, you are required to inform the staff when booking the appointment and specify your language. The staff at the healthcare centre will then book an interpreter. ​It is also possible to book phone interviews with the doctor. ​

In some places you can also make a same-day appointment or turn up and take a number and wait for your number to be called. The process varies between healthcare centres and it is recommended to check the process of booking appointments (or walk-ins) directly with your local healthcare centre.

Healthcare centres throughout Iceland operate a family-doctor shift service. In the capital region, this service is known as Læknavaktin (The Doctors’ Watch) and can be reached by the phone number 1770. For children, you can also contact the Children’s Medical Helpline: 563 1010.

Medical services outside regular opening hours

Doctors at healthcare centres in rural areas are constantly on call outside of opening hours.

If you need medical services in the greater Reykjavík during evenings, nights and weekends, services are provided by Læknavaktin (The Doctors’ Watch).


Austurver (Háaleitisbraut 68)
103 Reykjavík
Phone number: 1770


When a doctor prescribes medication, prescriptions are automatically sent to all pharmacies under your ID number (kennitala). Your doctor may refer you to a specific pharmacy if your medication is not widely available.

All you need to do is to visit your nearest pharmacy, state your ID number and you will be provided with your prescribed medication. Icelandic Health Insurance co-pays for some medication, in which case the co-payment will be deducted automatically by the pharmacy.

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