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Utility bills

The energy supply in Iceland is environmentally friendly and affordable.  Iceland is the world’s largest green energy producer per capita and largest electricity producer per capita. 85% of the total primary energy supply in Iceland comes from domestic renewable energy sources.

The Icelandic government aspires that the nation will be carbon neutral by 2040. Icelandic homes spend a far smaller percentage of their budgets on utilities than households in the other Nordic countries, which is mostly due to low electricity and heating costs.

Electricity & heating

All residential housing must have hot and cold water and electricity. Housing in Iceland is heated by either hot water or electricity. Municipal offices can provide information on companies that sell and provide electricity and hot water in the municipality.

In some cases, heating and electricity are included when renting a flat or a house – if not, tenants are responsible for paying for usage themselves. Bills are usually sent monthly based on estimated energy use. Once a year, a settlement bill is sent along with a reading of the meters.

When moving into a new flat, ensure you read the electricity and heat meters on the same day and give the reading to your energy supplier. This way, you only pay for what you use. You can send in a reading of your meters to the energy provider, for example here by logging into „Mínar síður“.

Telephone and internet

Several telephone companies operate in Iceland, offering different prices and services for telephone and internet connection. Contact the telephone companies directly for information on their services and prices.


Icelandic companies that offer phone and/or internet services:






Fibre network providers:




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