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Multicultural Information Centre · 20.03.2023

New MCC website launched

New website

A new website of the Multicultural Information Centre has now been opened. It’s our hope that it will make it even easier for immigrants, refugees and others to find useful information.

The website provides information on many aspects of everyday life and administration in Iceland and provides support regarding moving to and from Iceland.

A part from the classic way of navigating through a website, by using the main menu or the search feature, you can use the filter option to get closer to the content you are after. When using the filter you will get suggestions that hopefully matches your interest.

Getting in contact with us

There are three ways to get in contact with the MCC or it’s consellors. Firstly, you can use the chat bubble on the website, you see it in the lower right corner of every page.

You can also send us an email to mcc@mcc.is or even call us: (+354) 450-3090. If you get in contact, you can reserve a time to meet up with us on a face to face meeting or a online video call, if you need to talk to one of our counsellors.

The Multicultural Information Centre provides support, advice and information in connection with immigrant and refugee issues in Iceland to individuals, associations, companies and the Icelandic authorities.


The new website is by default in English but you can choose other languages from the language menu at the top. We use machine translations for all languages except English and Icelandic.

Icelandic version

The Icelandic version of the website is in progress. Translations of every page should be ready soon.

Within the Icelandic part of the website, there is a section called Fagfólk. That part is primarily written in Icelandic so the Icelandic version there is ready but the English one pending.

We want to enable every individual to become an active member of Icelandic society, no matter the background or where they come from.

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