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Icelandic Citizenship

A foreign citizen who has had legal domicile and continuous residence in Iceland for seven years and fulfills the requirements of the Icelandic Nationality Act (No. 100/1952) / Lög um íslenskan ríkisborgararétt can submit an application for Icelandic citizenship.

Some may be eligible to apply after a shorter residence period.


There are two conditions for the granting of Icelandic citizenship, residence requirements based on Article 8 and special requirements according to Article 9 of the Icelandic Nationality Act.

More information about Icelandic citizenship can be found on the website of the Directorate of Immigration.

A foreign citizen who has had legal domicile and continuous residence in Iceland for seven years and fulfills the requirements of the Icelandic Nationality Act, can apply for Icelandic citizenship.

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