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Longer stay in Iceland

Staying for more than 3 months

You have to apply for confirmation of your right to stay in Iceland for more than six months. You do this by filling out form A-271 and submitting it together with all necessary documents.

This is an electronic form that can be filled out and confirmed prior to arriving in Iceland.

When you arrive, you have to go to the offices of Registers Iceland or the nearest police office and present your passport and other documents.

Staying more than six months

As an EEA or EFTA citizen, you may stay in Iceland for three to six months without being registered. The time period is calculated from the day of arrival in Iceland.

If staying longer you need to register with the Register Iceland.

All the necessary information about the process you find here.

Getting an ID number

Every person who lives in Iceland is registered at Registers Iceland and has a national ID number (kennitala) which is a unique, ten-digit number.

Your national ID number is your personal identifier and is used widely throughout Icelandic society.

ID numbers are necessary to access a wide range of services, like opening a bank account, registering your legal domicile and obtaining a home telephone.

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