Compulsory school
Compulsory school (also known as primary school) is the second level of the education system in Iceland and is run by the local education authorities in municipalities. Parents enrol children in compulsory schools in the municipality where they are legally domiciled and compulsory school is free.
There are usually no waiting lists for compulsory schools. There can be exceptions in larger municipalities where parents can choose between schools in different neighbourhoods.
You can read about compulsary school in Iceland on website.
Compulsory education
Parents are required to enrol all children aged 6-16 in compulsory school, and attendance is mandatory. Parents are held responsible for their children’s attendance and are encouraged to collaborate with educators in their children’s engagement in study.
Compulsory education in Iceland is divided into three levels:
- Grades 1 through 4 (young children aged 6 – 9)
- Grades 5 through 7 (adolescents aged 10 – 12)
- Grades 8 through 10 (young adults or teenagers aged 13 – 15)
Enrolment forms and further information about local compulsory schools can be found on websites of most compulsory schools or on municipality websites. Forms, information, and assistance can also be found by contacting the administration department of the local compulsory school.
Teaching schedules
Compulsory schools have full-day teaching schedules, with recesses and a lunch break. Schools are in operation for a minimum of nine months per year for 180 school days. There are scheduled holidays, breaks, and days for parent-teacher conferences.
Study support
Children and young adults who experience educational difficulties caused by a disability, social, mental, or emotional issues are entitled to additional study support.
Here you can find more information about education for people with disabilities.
Additional information about compulsary schools
Additional information about compulsory education in Iceland can be found here on website , in the Compulsory School Act an in the Icelandic National Curriculum Guide for Compulsory Schools.
Useful links
- Primary schools -
- Education for people with disabilities
- Compulsary school act
- Icelandic National Curriculum Guide for Compulsory Schools
- Ministry of education
Parents are responsible for their children’s attendance and are encouraged to collaborate with educators in their children’s engagement in study.