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I have a family member in Iceland

A residence permit based on family reunification is granted to the closest relative of a person residing in Iceland.

The requirements and the rights that come with residence permits on grounds of family reunification can differ, depending on the kind of residence permit applied for.

Residence permits because of family reunification

Residence permit for spouse is for an individual who intends to move to Iceland to live with his/her spouse. The permit is granted on the basis of marriage and cohabitation. The word spouse both refers to marital spouses and cohabiting spouses.

A residence permit for children is granted for the purpose of children being able to reunite with their parents in Iceland. According to the Foreign Nationals Act a child is an individual younger than 18 that is not married.

The residence permit is granted to an individual, 67 years or older, who has an adult child in Iceland with whom he/she wishes to be reunited.

The permit is granted to the custodian parent of a child younger than 18 that resides in Iceland, if it is necessary either

  • to maintain the parent’s contact with the child or
  • for an Icelandic child to continue to live in Iceland.

Family reunification for refugees

Information about residence permits based on family reunification for refugees can be found on the website of the Red Cross.

A residence permit based on family reunification is granted to the closest relative of a person residing in Iceland.

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