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From outside the EEA / EFTA region

I want to work in Iceland

To work in Iceland, you must have an ID number. If you are not from an EEA/EFTA member state you also need to have a residence permit.

Everyone in Iceland is registered at Registers Iceland and has a personal ID number (kennitala). Read about ID numbers here.

Is ID number necessary for working?

To work in Iceland, you must have an ID number. If you are not from an EEA/EFTA member state you also need to have a residence permit. More information is below.

Everyone in Iceland is registered at Registers Iceland and has a personal ID number (kennitala).

Long-term visas for remote workers

A remote worker is someone who delivers work from Iceland to an operating location abroad. Remote workers can apply for a long-term visa that is issued for up to 180 days. Those who have long-term visas will not be issued an Icelandic ID number.

Find out more about long term visas here.

Necessary requirement

A necessary requirement for residence permit based on work is that a work permit has been granted by the Directorate of Labour. Information about work permits can be found on the website of the Directorate of Labour.

Employer hiring foreign national

An employer who intends to hire a foreign national shall apply for a work permit to the Directorate of Immigration along with all the necessary supporting documents.

Read more about residence permits based on work here.

To work in Iceland, you must have an ID number.

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