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Elite Palace Hotel, S:t Eriksgatan 115, Stockholm, Sweden • December 11 at 10:00–September 12 at 13:00

How can the Nordic countries better promote labour market integration among migrant mothers and fathers?

Parenthood is regarded as one of the most rewarding undertakings in life. However, entering the labour market as a parent can sometimes be a challenge. This is particularly the case for many migrant women. How can the Nordic countries make better use of migrant parents’ skills and knowledge? How can we reach both mothers and fathers?

This conference brings together experts to present new research and different examples of practical solutions from the Nordic countries. Together we share experiences and explore opportunities to improve employment among migrant fathers and mothers – both in policy and in practice.

Save the date and join us in Stockholm on 11–12 December. The conference is open to all experts working in the field of integration at a national, regional, or local level. The conference is free of charge.

An invitation and programme along with information on registration will be sent out later in September.

The conference is co-hosted by the Ministry of Employment in Sweden and the Nordic Council of Ministers as a part of the 2024 Swedish presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Annual Nordic conference on integration 2024: How can the Nordic countries better promote labour market integration among migrant mothers and fathers?

Wednesday and Thursday, 11–12 December 2024

Elite Palace Hotel, S:t Eriksgatan 115, Stockholm, Sweden
(physical attendance only, no digital participation or recordings will be available)

More information
Conference website (to be updated soon)

Anna-Maria Mosekilde, Project Officer, Nordic Council of Ministers


Kaisa Kepsu, Senior Adviser, Nordic Welfare Centre


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