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Libraries and Culture · 09.02.2024

Events and services by the Reykjavík City Library this spring

The City Library runs an ambitious program, provides all kinds of services and organises regular events for children and adults, all for free. The library is buzzing with life.

For example there is The Story Corner, Icelandic practise, Seed Library, family mornings and much more.

Here you find the full program.

Free library card for children

Children get a library card for free. Annual fee for adults is 3.060 krónur. Card holders can borrow books (in many lanugages), magazines, CD’s, DVD’s, vinyl records and board games.

You do not need a library card or ask staff for a permission to hang out at the library – every one is welcome, always. You can read, play board games (the library has many games), play chess, do homework/remote work and many other things.

You can find books in various languages at the Library, for children and for adults. Books in Icelandic and English are at all eight locations.

Those who have a library card also have a free access to the E-library There you can find plenty of book titles and over 200 popular magazines.

Eight different locations

Reykjavík City Library has eight different locations around the city. You can borrow things (books, CD’s, games etc.) from one location and return at a different one.

Kléberg (Inngangur bakatil, nær sjónum)

Children get a library card for free.

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