Published material
Here you can find all kinds of material from the Multicultural Information Centre. Use the table of contents to see what this section has to offer.
Information brochures for refugees
If you don´t find the brochures here above, manually translated to your language, you can open it up here (HTML version) and it should show up in the language you have chosen for the site. But keep in mind that in this case it´s a machine translation.
Fyrstu skrefin - Important information for those moving to Iceland

Information poster

Information poster: Do you have a question? How to contact us? On the poster you find contact information, options for assistance and more. Download the full size A3 poster here.
UNHCR handbook and toolkit in Icelandic
Í skólanum (At school) - Colouring booklet

Policies of the The Directorate of Labour
Note: On the 1. of April, 2023, The Multicultural Information Centre merged with The Directorate of Labour. The laws covering immigrant issues have been updated and now reflect this change. General policies of The Directorate of Labour now apply for the merged agencies.
Here you can find information about the policies of the agency (in Icelandic only).
Plan for reception of residents of foreign origin