Vaccinations and cancer screenings
Vaccination is an immunisation intended to prevent the spread of a severe communicable disease.
With a quick and simple screening, it´s possible to prevent cervical cancer and detect early-stage breast cancer.
Is your child vaccinated?
Vaccinations are important and they are free for children at all primary care clinics in Iceland.
To find more information about child vaccinations in various languages, please visit this site by
Is your child vaccinated? Useful information in various languages can be found here.
Cancer screenings
Cancer screening is an important way to prevent serious disease later in life and by early detection the treatment is likely to be minimal.
With a quick and simple screening, it´s possible to prevent cervical cancer and detect early-stage breast cancer. The screening process takes just about 10 minutes, and the cost is only 500 ISK.
This information poster in Polish
Content of the poster in the language you have chosen for this website is here below:
Cervical screening saves lives
Did you know?
– You have the right to leave work to go to a screening
– Cervical screenings are performed by midwifes at the healthcare centres
– Book an appointment or show up for an open house
– Cervical screening at the healtcare centres costs ISK 500
You can find more information at
Book a cervical screening at your local healthcare centre when the invitation arrives.
This information poster in Polish
Content of the poster in the language you have chosen for this website is here below:
Breast screening saves lives
Did you know?
– You have the right to leave work to go to a screening
– Screenings take place in the Landspítali Breast Care Centre, Eríksgötu 5
– A breast screening is simple and takes only 10 minutes
– You can apply for reimbursement for breast screening through your union
You can find more information at
When the invitation arrives, call 543 9560 to book a breast screening
Screening participation
The Cancer Screening Coordination Centre encourages foreign women to participate in cancer screenings in Iceland. The participation of women with foreign citizenship in cancer screenings is very low.
Only 27% undergo screening for cervical cancer and 18% undergo screening for breast cancer. In comparison, the participation of women with Icelandic citizenship is almost 72% (cervical cancer) and 64% (breast cancer).
Invitation to a screening
All women receive invitations for screenings via Heilsuvera and, as well with a letter, as long as they are of the right age and it has been long enough since the last screening.
Example: A 23-year-old woman receives her first cervical screening invitation three weeks before her 23rd birthday. She can attend the screening at any time after that, but not before. If she doesn’t show up until she is 24 years old, she will next receive an invitation at 27 (three years later).
Women who immigrate to the country receive an invitation once they have received an Icelandic ID number (kennitala), as long as they have reached the screening age. A 28 year old woman who immigrates to the country and gets an ID number will immediately receive an invitation and can attend the screening at any time.
Information about where samples are taken and when, can be found on the website
Useful links
- Is your child vaccinated? -
- Vaccines and immunisation - WHO
- Information about childhood vaccinations for parents and relatives
- Cancer Screening Coordination Centre
- Heilsuvera
- The Directorate of Health
- National childhood vaccination program
- Healthcare
- Personal Matters
- ID numbers
- Electronic IDs
Vaccinations save lives!