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Parental Leave

Each parent receives six months of parental leave. Out of those, six weeks can be transferred between the parents. The right to parental leave expires when the child reaches 24 months of age.

The extended parental leave encourages both parents to fulfil their family obligations and balances opportunities in the labour market.

You may be able to negotiate with your employer to extend your parental leave. This will proportionally lower your monthly income.

Parental leave

Both parents are entitled to parental benefits, provided that they have been active on the labour market for six consecutive months.

Parents are entitled to paid leave if they have been active on the labour market for six consecutive months before the child’s date of birth or the date on which a child enters the home in the case of adoption or permanent foster care. This means being in at least 25% employment or actively searching for a job while on unemployment benefits.

The amount paid depends on their status on the labour market. More information on payments can be found on the website of the Directorate of Labour. In addition, parents can also take temporary unpaid parental leave until the child reaches 8 years of age.

You must apply for payments from the maternity/paternity leave fund on the website of the Directorate of Labour at least six weeks before the expected date of birth. Your employer must be notified of maternity/paternity leave at least eight weeks before the expected date of birth.

Parents studying full-time and parents not participating in the labour market or in a part-time employment below 25% can apply for maternity/paternity grant. Applications need to be submitted at least three weeks before the expected date of birth.

Pregnant women and employees on maternity/paternity leave and/or parental leave may not be dismissed from their job unless there are valid and justified reasons to do so.

Each parent receives six months of parental leave.

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